Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Holding My Breath

Michele Malkin reports on those still holding their breath over internet blogging bullies. This topic has gotten lots more coverage than I would have thought. It seems that everyone has an opinion and an pinion about everyone elses opinion... Her are some of Michele's

The techblogging elite, liberal femme bloggers, and their friends in the MSM are still yammering amongst themselves about the Kathy Sierra incident. Bloggers' code of conduct. Civility badges. Blah blah blah.

Big props to Mary Katharine Ham for calling out the one-eyed, left-wing women bloggers (who still won't admit their blind spot) and for demonstrating tough, but civil disagreement by example. Brava.

Salon's Joan Walsh argued on Howard Kurtz's TV show that it didn't really matter that she failed to mention female hate-mongers like "Sandpaper sn**ch" Jane Hamsher or the racist, sexist ping-pong ball jokers at Wonkette because I received "plenty of attention" when I've pointed out vulgarity aimed at conservative women.

Really? I don't remember The Guardian asking Kate O'Beirne to pen an op-ed for them about Hamsher's filthy attack on her. No one put our pictures in the NYTimes for weathering epithets, sexist putdowns and death threats--many of which, unlike Sierra's, were signed and endorsed by major bloggers--and not just random, obscure, anonymous commenters.

Walsh also argued that the reason she decided to pay attention to misogyny in the blogosphere now is because Sierra is a "techblogger" trying to "make the web a better community."

As opposed to us Christofascist wingnut women bloggers who deserve what we get because we're just trying to use the web to spread poisonous conservative ideas...


Here's a review of my "code of conduct" on how to cope with Internet threats:

1) Report the serious threats to law enforcement.
2) Keep blogging.



A message to the techblogging elite

Everybody has got to take a deep breath and relax.... This ain't the end of the world nor is it even THAT important. We all grew up in a blog-less world. They aren't gonna regulate us out of existence. It's only about the undisciplined, untrained and rude who would be bullies.

UPDATE: Cory Doctorow shows us how everone wants to be a lawyer or play one...

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