Pushing through extremes of heat and cold, surviving massive blood loss, and supercharging the body's metabolism -- that was just the start. The military isn't only looking to radically boost the physical performance of American troops. Its trying to improve mental abilities, as well. The first step: computers than can scan your mind and adapt to what you're thinking.Since 2000, Darpa, the Pentagon's blue-sky research arm, has spearheaded a far-flung, nearly $70 million effort to build prototype cockpits, missile control stations and infantry trainers that can sense what's occupying their operators' attention, and adjust how they present information, accordingly. Similar technologies are being employed to help intelligence analysts find targets easier by tapping their unconscious reactions.
"Computers today, you have to learn how they work," says Navy Commander Dylan Schmorrow, who served as Darpa's first program manager for this Augmented Cognition project. He now works for the Office of Naval Research. "We want the computer to learn you, adapt to you."
Previous stories, please read... You'll be amazed
Squirrel = Super Soldier?
* Stronger, Tougher, Faster: Building Next-Gen G.I.s
* Supercharging Soldiers' Cells
* Pig Manure Key to Soldier Chow?
* No "Go Pills"
* Darpa Chief Speaks
Noah Shachtman has a longer article here on Aug Cog and Darpa's Neural Net Technology
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